The Quest for the World's Best Village

The Quest for the World's Best Village

Your Dream Destination Might Be Hiding Here...

Introducing the UNWTO Best Tourism Villages Initiative

Celebrating villages that champion sustainability and cultural preservation.

Why This Competition Matters

Empowering rural communities, promoting economic growth, and preserving heritage.

A Record-Breaking Year!

Over 60 countries, 260+ villages vying for the prestigious title.

What Makes a Village Shine?

Judges seek unique charm, sustainable practices, and a commitment to tourism development.

Get to Know the Contenders

From hidden gems to cultural powerhouses, these villages are the cream of the crop.

Your Passport to Unique Experiences

Immerse yourself in rich traditions, savor local flavors, and create unforgettable memories.

Beyond the Competition: The Power of Village Tourism

Village tourism builds bridges between cultures and creates a positive impact on communities.

Uncover the secrets of the world's best tourism villages and find your perfect escape.

Ready to Plan Your Next Adventure?

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Don't miss out on this captivating story! Click here to discover the full list of nominated villages and plan your next unforgettable journey.

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